At the republican grand debate tournament “IT CUP V” dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the International Taraz Innovation Institute.Sherkhana Murtaza, 2nd year student of the Geography Department Amanshin Azamat took the 2nd prize.
On November 16, the Department of Nature organized a quest game on the theme “Journey into Nature” in the Mangystau Regional Museum of Local History named after A. Kekilbayevich. 1.2 year students in geography and biology took part in the quest. Various tasks were given on the geography of the Mangystau region, local history, biology, geography, natural science, as well as the intellectual abilities of students were fixed. As a result, students of the 2nd year of the OP in geography, students of the 1st year of the OP in biology took 1st place.
In 2023, at the republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, OP “Chemistry” for the best research work of Ongarbayeva Asem took 3rd place.
Supervisor: PhD, Associate professor Ibraeva M. M.
3 republican student councils under the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan were attended by the Commissioner for the Rights of Students of the Mangystau region – Student Ombudsman, 2nd-year student of Geography Serik Parasat Serikovich, who was awarded a letter of thanks from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek!
October 5 — teachers of the Department of “Natural Sciences ” were awarded a letter of thanks by the President of the University Akhmetov B. B. on the Teacher ‘s Day:
1) acting associate Professor, Associate Professor, PhD Akimova M. Zh
2) assistant professor (senior lecturer) Ibraikozha N. P.
On April 27-28, students of Yessenov University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Natural Sciences, took 1st place at the XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad at Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty region. 17 participating teams and 34 students took part in the Chemistry Olympiad.
The Olympiad team of Yessenov University scored excellent points: Bekbolat Kaisar and Berdihan Samgar. The team was led by Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences Busurmanova Akkenzhe.
Congratulations to the winners!

Organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan, the 15th Republican Disciplinary Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in group B014 – educational programs for training teachers of geography was held among teams of 19 higher educational institutions. In the 1st round, assignments were given on general geography, physical geography of continents and oceans, economic, social and political geography of foreign countries, geomorphology and hydrology, methods of teaching geography, and in the 2nd round – practical assignments on the basics of cartography and topography, economic and physical geography of Kazakhstan . According to the results of the two-day tour, Utegenov Bagdaulet and Sarsenov Sagynysh took 9th place out of 19 teams. In the individual championship, Sagynysh Sarsenov took 2nd place among 38 participants. CONGRATULATIONS!
As part of the Science Week, dedicated to April 12 – the Day of Science Workers, the school “Olke Tabigati Alany” was opened at Yessenov University, organized by the departments of “Natural Sciences” and “Ecology”. The event was opened by O. A. Togzhanov, a well-known veteran ecologist in the region. Deans of faculties B.E. Yagalieva and A.G. Gusmanova, heads of departments E.U. Sagindykova, S.E. Koibakova explained to students the meaning and purpose of the park.
The goal is to study and restore methods to combat desertification and land degradation through scientific research and experimentation.
At the Department of Natural Sciences of the BBB Biology there is a scientific circle “Young researcher”.
The specified area was prepared for planting, the soil was loosened, cleared of large and small stones, organic fertilizers were applied, checks (embankments) were prepared.
Plants for planting were collected and brought from the Mangistau region in order by characteristics: trees, shrubs, subshrubs, perennial herbs.

Zhidebayeva Ainur Erbolatovna won a grant for the project “Scientific substantiation of the environmental aspects of biodiversity conservation in the area of the Shetpe-Ontustik chalk quarry using GIS technologies” in the competition for grant funding for young scientists under the “Young Scientist” project by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The goal of the project is to develop a methodology and software for geoinformation monitoring of the study area in order to select measures to preserve biodiversity and assess the impact of the cement plant’s activities on the environment. Research will be carried out on the state of flora and fauna in the area of the Caspi-Cement plant, at the Shetpe-Yuzhny chalk quarry in the mountainous and arid region of Mangistau using satellite images and GIS technologies.
About 150 scientists work in the Mangistau region. Everyone has the same success. One of them is Manshuk Ibrayeva, a young scientist working in an underdeveloped science that is unusual for the region.
Manshuk Ibrayeva – Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology of Yessenov University, PhD, specialist with advanced experience in the field of science. His scientific direction is the chemistry of natural compounds or phytochemical research. As directed, he receives medicines from plants. One of his achievements so far is that he went to China in 2015, researched the composition of the mugwort plant and produced an antibacterial product.

Project manager Ibrayeva M.M. and Atagazi O.S. within the framework of a grant from Yessenov University, organized by the Caspian Center for Entrepreneurship, the startup project “Smartphone arnalgan chemistry pani boyinsha oku oyyndary” (cost 990,000 tenge) won! As planned, we began filming demonstration laboratory work. The goal of the project is to create virtual laboratory work so that all laboratory work in the subject “Chemistry” is fully understandable and visible to students. Currently, an MVP version of the “Dopamine” application for smartphones has been created, and three laboratory studies for 9th grade students have been uploaded to the application and posted on the website.
The Republican Subject Olympiad on specialty 5B011100 – Informatics among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University. According to the results of the Republican student subject Olympiad students won prizes with diplomas.
- Zhantiluov Yermek Aitkaliuly – Diploma of the 1st degree
- Sersenbek Akniet Shadiyarbekuly – Diploma of the 2nd degree
- Kasanov Akzhol Baktygalievich – Diploma of the 3rd degree

Students of EP «6B01501-Mathematics» participate in republican and international conferences, in republican subject Olympiads.
2019, 2020 two years in a row students participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference for young researchers on “Modern scientific world of natural and mathematical sciences, IT – technology and robotics”, organized by the “International Foundation for the Support of Pedagogical Creativity and Science” in Aktobe, Pavlodar, students of mathematics Sabit M., Atadussova A., Kurbanova M., Akhmedjan D., Tulegenova S., Bazarbaeva A. had taken prizes and have been awarded diplomas. Atadusova A., Tulegenova S., Bazarbaeva A. were also awarded medals “Zhas Daryn”.
In 2021, master’s student of the group MNMAT-20-1 Alenova Saule took 2nd place on the theme «Methodical possibilities of application of the program «Geogebra» in the study of the course of planimetry», Participating in the republican competition of research works of students organized by the Shakarim University in Semey on the educational program 6M010900-Mathematics (the scientific head of the professor of the department Koshchanov K.R.).
In May 2021 in the Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University in XIII Republican Student Subject Olympiad on educational programs of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan “B009-Training of mathematics teachers” participated students of MAT-19 group Kurman Yeldos Tolendievich, Kubeyev Bauyrzhan Serikovich, Elamanov Birzhan Serikovich and took team the 2nd place. And on personal classification Kurman Yeldos Tolendievich, Kubeyev Bauyrzhan Serikovich took the 3rd prize-winning place.
Students of EP «6B01502-Physics» participate in republican and international conferences, in republican subject Olympiads.
Anar took part in the International Project «The Best Young Scientist-2021» by executing the project on «Marine Energy Installation» under the supervision of Kasayeva A.J.
The 4th year student Anar Ayapkalieva took part in the International project “Best young scientist-2021” by completing the project «Marine Energy Installation» under the direction of the senior lecturer of the Department Kasaeva A.Zh.
In the VIII Republican Subject Olympiad, organized in Zhezkazgan University named after O. Baikonurov University on April 12, 2021 among the students of “Physics” specialty, held in accordance with the schedule of the MES on the subject olympiads in basic higher educational institutions a student of FIZ-19 Abylai Akbayev took 3 prize place.
In order to improve the quality of education in schools, a joint comprehensive plan for 2021-2023 was created by the Mangystau Region Education Department and Yessenov University. In accordance with this plan, educational and methodical, research and educational work is carried out at the school-gymnasium of S. Kondybay, 22, Aktau, and the school of general education of 12, Munailinsky district.
Mentoring of teachers of physics in schools was entrusted to Professor Turkmenbaev A. B. Preparation of students 10-11 for the Unified National Testing was entrusted to Associate Professor K. Bizhanova and conducting Sunday and vacation classes « Entertaining Physics» to senior teacher A. J. Kasaeva.