Bisenova Laura Esenovna, Acting associate professor

Bisenova Laura Esenovna


Position: Acting Associate Professor (Associate Professor)

Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Teaching disciplines: “Biogeography”, “Social and economic geography of Kazakhstan”, “Methods of teaching geography”.

Scientific interests:Ecology of Mangistau region, technogenic pollution sources in oil industry

Publications: 1. STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF HYPOKINESIA ON THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF THE LIVER OF RATS- Srailova G.T., Babashev A.M., Sagindikova E. U., Yessimsiitova Z.B. Kidirbaeva Kh.K., Bisenova L. E., Muratbekova N. Zh., Yekibaeva G.N.

  1. “Regional development of natural resources of Mangystau region and industrial and innovative development priorities//Natural and geographical sciences, KazNPU im. Abaya, No.4, 2019,

“Aktau International Sea Trade Port in the Economic Development of Mangystau Region»-//AzərbaycanXəzərDənizGəmiçiliyi” QSC AzərbaycanDövlət Dəniz Akademiyası. Ümummillilider Heydər Əliyevinana danolmasının 95-ci ildönümünəhəsredilir. “SU NƏQLĠYYATININ PROBLEMLƏRĠ” XIII Beynəlxalqelmi-texnikikonfrans. MƏRUZƏ MATERĠALLARI. XIII International scientific-technical conference on “WATER TRANSPORT PROBLEMS”. BAKU-2018.

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