Position: Acting Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Teaching disciplines: “Biogeography”, “Social and economic geography of Kazakhstan”, “Methods of teaching geography”.
Scientific interests:Ecology of Mangistau region, technogenic pollution sources in oil industry
Publications: 1. STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF HYPOKINESIA ON THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF THE LIVER OF RATS- Srailova G.T., Babashev A.M., Sagindikova E. U., Yessimsiitova Z.B. Kidirbaeva Kh.K., Bisenova L. E., Muratbekova N. Zh., Yekibaeva G.N.
- “Regional development of natural resources of Mangystau region and industrial and innovative development priorities//Natural and geographical sciences, KazNPU im. Abaya, No.4, 2019,
“Aktau International Sea Trade Port in the Economic Development of Mangystau Region»-//AzərbaycanXəzərDənizGəmiçiliyi” QSC AzərbaycanDövlət Dəniz Akademiyası. Ümummillilider Heydər Əliyevinana danolmasının 95-ci ildönümünəhəsredilir. “SU NƏQLĠYYATININ PROBLEMLƏRĠ” XIII Beynəlxalqelmi-texnikikonfrans. MƏRUZƏ MATERĠALLARI. XIII International scientific-technical conference on “WATER TRANSPORT PROBLEMS”. BAKU-2018.