The STEM Chemistry Laboratory
STEAM Chemistry Room is a modern learning environment for students to master chemistry in depth and develop practical skills. The office has various teaching aids and equipment.
In addition, safety measures and first-aid kits are provided. Practical classes, scientific research and group projects are conducted here, which allows them to increase their interest in chemistry and develop their scientific and technical skills. As a result, the STEM chemistry classroom promotes the formation of creative thinking skills and the building of a career in STEM fields in the future.

«STEM Biology» Laboratory
The STEM Biology laboratory provides students with practical laboratory work in accordance with the program. Students are engaged in research work to further supplement the knowledge gained during the lecture.
The laboratory determines the structure of plants and other living organisms, their connection with the external environment, ways of reproduction, respiration processes (photosynthesis), generalizes and complements knowledge.
«Geography» Classroom
In the laboratory dedicated to geography, students are engaged in research work to further supplement the knowledge gained from the lecture in accordance with the program. This classroom is designed to conduct practical classes in the disciplines of physical geography of Kazakhstan, the basics of landscape science, soil geography, etc. Students use physical cards during classes. Materials collected by students during field experiments are used in the classroom.

Laboratory "Fundamental Biology"
Students receive information on all sections of the subject “Biology”. After completing the laboratory work, the student makes a conclusion based on the obtained experimental studies. While performing laboratory work, students master physiological and laboratory methods and consolidate theoretical knowledge, as well as form general academic skills and systematize the studied material.
Laboratory “Physical Geography”
In the laboratory of physical geography, students are engaged in scientific research in order to replenish the knowledge gained in lectures in accordance with the program. This class is intended for practical training in the subjects of physical geography of Kazakhstan, the basics of landscape science, and soil geography. Students use physical cards throughout the lesson. The lessons use materials collected by students during field experiments.

Laboratory “Applied Biology”
In the biology laboratory, laboratory work is carried out for students according to the program according to the practical work. Students are engaged in research work to further supplement the knowledge acquired at the lecture, determine and generalize the structure of plant organs, connections with the external environment, methods of reproduction, respiration processes (photosynthesis), and supplement their knowledge.
Laboratory “Methods of teaching biology”
The educational laboratory “Methods of teaching biology” is used for classroom and seminar classes. In addition, processing of information and materials obtained during practical classes, coursework and independent work, etc. used.
The laboratory room is equipped with shelves for storing educational and scientific collections. The lesson is conducted using modern laboratory equipment, collection materials, exhibits, photographs, posters and diagrams.

Laboratory "Analytical Chemistry"
Laboratory classes are conducted in the subjects of qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of cations and anions, as well as systematic and individual determination of the composition of substances by the drop method, microcrystalloscopy, group reagent.
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Polymers
The laboratory deals with the separation and purification of substances, analysis and synthesis of organic compounds using various methods. The laboratory has developed methods for purifying organic substances: distillation, extraction, re-distillation, crystallization methods.

Laboratory "General Chemical Technology"
The laboratory of general chemical technology is designed to carry out experimental work related to the production of basic products of inorganic and organic production. The general chemical technology laboratory is one of the most complex chemical laboratories, as it is equipped with a variety of reaction, heating and control equipment, and is associated with labor-intensive and carefully constructed premises.
Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Designed for laboratory work on the reactivity and properties of chemical elements and their inorganic compounds. In the laboratory, laboratory work is carried out according to the basic laws of general and inorganic chemistry: determination of the molecular mass of gaseous substances in the Kipp apparatus, determination of the equivalent molar mass of metals in a calcimeter, redox properties of substances, etc. b. properties are defined.

Laboratory of Physical and Colloid Chemistry
Physical and thermodynamic methods for analyzing equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems, the theory of kinetics and catalysis, as well as electrochemical laboratory work in the laboratory of physical and colloidal chemistry. The laboratory carries out calorimetric, thermal, potentiometric, ebuloscopic, and gasometric methods of analysis.