Position: Professor of the Department of Fundamental Sciences
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Teaching disciplines: “Mechanics”, “Electricity and magnetism”, “Modern methods of teaching physics at the university”, “Methods of conducting master’s research works”, “Methods of conducting a physical experiment at the University”
Scientific interests: scientific and methodological training of future physics teachers according to the updated program
1) Formation of the Personality of Future Teachers for the Implementation of Professional Activities in Modern Conditions // Review of international geographical education, №11(5), 2021, — P. 4587-2599.
2) Innovative features of education in Kazakhstan’s Lyceum-Gymnasium // Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 17 (1), 2022, – pp. 159-173.
3) The implementation of the specialized-education model at the present stage // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2020. Issue 1. Special X. — P. 10-14.
4) Specialized education as a new stage in the improvement of modern education // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2020. Issue 1. Special X. — P. 6-10.
5) Development of modern polytechnic education at physics classes // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2019. Issue 1. — P. 25-29.
6) Organization of the educational process in robotics at the modern scientific level // Bulletin of the Kazakh State Technical University named after Abylai Khan “Pedagogical Sciences” series. — №1 (64), 2022. – P. 313-327.
7) the importance of using virtual laboratory work in the process of teaching the course of General Physics // Bulletin of Toraigyrov University. Pedagogical series, 2020. – No. 3. – p. 517-529. ISSN 1811-1831