Position: Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Teaching disciplines:: «Organic chemistry», «Organic chemistry of aliphatic compounds», «Methods of solving problems in organic chemistry», «Methods of conducting school chemical experiment»
Scientific Interests: Organic Chemistry, Azabicylon Chemistry[3.3.1]nonanan-9-ones
Proceedings of the 60th International Scientific and Practical Conference
PhD, Associate Professor of Mahambetova Rosa Karymaskovna on the topic
«Water safety: problems and solutions» 29 April 2022, -213 «Improving quality
Road bitumen at production stage when temperature drops
- Patent RK 16436 B.I. RK-2005. 11, 7-(2-methoxyethyl)-3-tia-7-7
- Composite mixture of polybutadiene rubber with commodity bitumen Journal
Search, series of natural and technical sciences, 3, 2018, p.9.