Position: Acting professor, Computer Science Department
Academic degree: Сndidate of pedagogical sciences, (associate professor)
Teaching disciplines: «Informatization of education and problems of teaching», «Methods of teaching informatics on the basis of updated content of education in secondary education», «Creation of multimedia applications in education», «Processing of graphic information», «3D modeling and animation», «Digital pedagogy»
Scientific interests: Scientifically-methodical preparation of the future teachers of computer science according to the updated program.
Publications: 1) Innovative features of education in Kazakhstan’s Lyceum-Gymnasium // Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 17(1), 2022, — Р. 159-173.
2) The implementation of the specialized-education model at the present stage // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2020. Issue 1. Special X. — P. 10-14.
3) Training of competent teachers in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2020. Issue 1. Special X. — P. 18-21.
4) Pedagogical Competence as Means of Developing the Professional Potential of the Teacher // Talent Development & Excellence. Vol.12, No.1, 2020, 294-307
5) Organization of the educational process in robotics at the modern scientific level // Bulletin of the Kazakh State Technical University named after Abylai Khan “Pedagogical Sciences” series. — №1 (64), 2022. – P. 313-327.
6) the use of dynamic computer models in conducting laboratory classes // Bulletin of Toraigyrov University. Pedagogical series. No. 2 (2020) – P. 15-27.