Қызметі: «Компьютерлік ғылымдар» кафедрасының профессор м.а.
Ғылыми дәрежесі: физика-математика ғылымдарының кандидаты
Ғылыми атағы: жок
Сабақ беретін пәні: «Геоақпараттық жүйелер», «Алгоритмдеу және бағдарламалау», «Oracle мәліметтер базасын бағдарламалау», «Басқару әдістері мен үлгілері», «Ақпараттық жүйелердің негіздері», «Желілер және телекоммуникациялар», «Мобильді құрылғыларға арналған Android ОЖ платформасында бизнес компоненттерін әзірлеу».
Ғылыми қызығушылығы: Интеллектуалды жүйелер, Қазіргі диагностикалық әдістер..
1. A.S. Chepurnov, V.Y. Ionidi1, O.O. Ivashchuk, A.S. Kubankin, A.N. Oleinik, A.V. Shchagin. Pyroelectric neutron generator for calibration of neutrino and dark matter detectors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 675 (2016) 032031 (3 pages). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/675/3/032031
3. Ivashchuk, O.O., Kubankin, A.S., Oleinik, A.N. Shchagin, Investigation of the yield of X-Ray radiation from pyroelectric sources with cone-shaped targets. 2016. Journal of Surface Investigation 10(4), с. 845-848.
5. A.S. Chepurnov, O.O. Ivashchuk, E.P. Kitsyuk, A.A. Klenin, A.S. Kubankin, R.M. Nazhmudinov, A.N. Oleinik, A.A. Pavlov and A.V. Shchagin. Carbon nanotubes in pyroelectric X-ray source. JINST 12 (2017) P11002.5. 10.1088/1748-0221/12/11/P11002
7. Vokhmyanina, K.A. , Ivashchuk, O.O, Ionidi, V.Y, Kaplii, A.A, Kishchin, I.A., Klyuev, A.S., Kubankin, A.S. Mishunin, M.V. Nazhmudinov, R.M., Nikulin, I.S., Oleinik, A.N., Sotnikov, A.V., Chepurnov, A.S., Shchagin, A.V. Possibility of Using the Piezoceramic PZT-19 in Pyroelectric X-Ray Generators. 2017. Glass and Ceramics. С. 1-5. 10.1007/s10717-017-9901-8
8. Bottino, B., Aalseth, C.E., Acconcia, G., (…), Zullo, M., Zuzel, G.. Ivashchuk, O.O.a. The DarkSide experiment. 2017. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C 40(1), 52. 10.1393/ncc/12017-17052-3.
9. A.S. Chepurnov, V.Y. Ionidi, O.O. Ivashchuk, M.A. Kirsanov, E.P. Kitsyuk, A.A. Klenin, A.S. Kubankin, R.M. Nazhmudinov, I.S. Nikulin, A.N. Oleinik, A.A. Pavlov, A.V. Shchagina and P.N. Zhukova. Compact neutron generator with nanotube ion source. JINST (2018) 088P_1117. 10.1088/1748-0221/13/02/C02035.10. A. S. Kubankin, A. S. Chepurnov, O. O. Ivashchuk, V. Yu. Ionidi, I. A. Kishin, A. A. Klenin, A. N. Oleinik, and A. V. Shchagin. Optimal speed of temperature change of a crystal in a pyroelectric X-ray radiation source. AIP ADVANCES 8, 035207 (2018). 10.1063/1.5006486.
12. A.V. Shchagin, V.S. Miroshnik, V.I. Volkov, A.S. Kubankin, O.O. Ivashchuk. Ceramic Piezoelectric Transformer in Vacuum for Acceleration of Electrons and Production of X-Rays. Materials 11 (2018) 1188. Doi: 10.3390/ma11071188
13. O.O. Ivashchuk, A.V. Shchagin, A.S. Kubankin, I.S. Nikulin, A.N. Oleinik,
V.S. Miroshnik, V.I. Volkov. Piezoelectric Accelerator. Scientific
Reports, (2018) 8:16488. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-34831-8
14. Ivashchuk, O.O., Klenin, A.A., Kubankin, A.S., Oleinik, A.N., Shchagin, A.V., Influence of mechanical treatment of the Z-surface of lithium niobate on the properties of X-ray pyroelectric source. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, (2018) 10(6), 0601. 10.21272/jnep.10(6).06014
15. A. V. Shchagin,V. S. Miroshnik, V. I. Volkov, A. S. Kubankin, O. O. Ivashchuk. Piezoelectric transformer aided x-ray generation in vacuum. Glass and Ceramics, Vol. 74, Nos. 11 – 12, March 2018.
16. K. A. Vokhmyanina, V. S. Sotnikova, A. A. Kaplii, A. S. Kubankin, O. O. Ivashchuk, I. A. Kishchin, R. M. Nazhmudinov, and A. V. Sotnikov. Possibility of using dielectric channels as deflecting systems for controlling accelerated electron beams. Glass and Ceramics, Vol. 74, Nos. 9 – 10, January 2018. 10.1007/s10717-018-9993-9.
17. O.O. Ivashchuk, A.V. Shchagin, A.S. Kubankin, V.Y. Ionidi, A.S. Chepurnov. Semiconductor driver of pyroelectric accelerator of charged particles. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations 6 (2019) 81 – 84.
18. O.O. Ivashchuk, A.V. Shchagin, A.S. Kubankin, V.Y. Ionidi, A.S. Chepurnov, V.S. Miroshnik, V.I. Volkov and D. A. Lepeshko, Pyroelectric accelerator and X-ray source in pulsed mode JINST (2020) 15 С02002.
19. Ivashchuk, O.O. Quartz accelerator of charged particles / O.O. Ivashchuk, A.V. Shchagin, A.S. Kubankin, I.S. Nikulin, V.S. Miroshnik, V.I. Volkov, V.Y. Ionidi, A.S. Chepurnov // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations. – 2020. –Vol. 3(127). – P. 59.
20. Ivashchuk O. O., Shchagin A. V., Kubankin A. S. et al. X-Ray Generation during Piezoelectric Lighter Operation in Vacuum // Glass and Ceramics. 2021. V.12. P. 34-38.
21. Ivashchuk O.O, Shchagin A.V., Kubankin A.S., Kishin I.A., Oleinik A.N., Grigor’ev Y.V., Gilts M.E., Alekseev V.I., Eliseev A.N. Pyroelectric Technologies, Their Applications, and Prospects for Development. Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2021, Vol. 84, No. 9, pp. 1593–1599.
22. O. O. Ivashchuk, A. V. Shchagin, A. S. Kubankin, I. A. Kishchin, A. N. Oleinik, Yu. V. Grigor’eve, M. E. Giltza, V. I. Alekseev, and A. N. Eliseev. Study of the Dependence of the End-Point Bremsstrahlung Energy on the Residual Gas Pressure during the Pyroelectric Source Operation in Vacuum. Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2021, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 382–385.
23. Oleinik, A. N., Bolotov, E. V., Gilts, M. E., Ivashchuk, O. O., Klenin, A. A., Kubankin, A. S. and Shchagin, A. V. Dependence of the Endpoint Energy of X-Ray Radiation on the Preliminary Temperature Change during the Pyroelectric Source Operation in the Pulsed Mode. Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2021, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 127–130.
24.V.I. AlekseevA.N. EliseevО.О. IvashchukI.А. KishinА.S. KubankinА.N. OleinikV.S. SotnikovaA.S. ChepurnovY.V. GrigorievА.V. Shchagin. Pyroelectric deflector of relativistic electron beam. Chinese Journal of Physics. Volume 77, June 2022, Pages 2298-2306.
25. V.I. Alekseev, A.N. Eliseyev, E. Irribarra, I.A. Kishin, A.S. Kubankin, R.M. Nazhmudinov, V.S. Sotnikova, M.N. Yapryntsev, I.O. Ivanshuk. Parametric X-ray radiation from nanopowders. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 202 (2023) 110497.